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We highly recommend puppies start puppy school as soon as possible and ideally before the age of 12 weeks to work on proper socialization skills. For more information about our dog training courses, give us a call today!
Positive reinforcement involves the addition of a reinforcing stimulus following a behavior that makes it more likely that the behavior will occur again in the future. When a favorable outcome or reward occurs after an action, that particular response or behavior will be strengthened. This method and many others are discussed in our dog training courses.
The goal is to instill good habits and build a loving bond with your pet. It typically takes 4-6 months for a puppy to be fully house trained, but some puppies may take up to a year. This is one of the many areas that we cover in dog training courses.
A dog's attention span is short. For basic commands, we train 3 to 5 times a day with each session lasting no longer than 10 to 15 minutes. Remember that your dog wants to please so respond in praise and refrain from punishment. Attending dog training courses will help your dog learn basic commands.
At first, dog training can seem pretty overwhelming, especially if it is your first dog. The truth is that training your dog is a very big project. Attending dog training courses can help with this. There are many different ways to train a dog, but most dog professionals agree that the positive way is the best way for both the dog and trainer.
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