We introduce various pieces of equipment at a lower height so your dog learns to get comfortable in this new environment. We focus on tunnels, tires, jumps, teeter totter, and shadow handling. This class develops equipment fluency for your dog, and instills handling and teamwork “building block” skills for you both. In later weeks we progress to running longer equipment sequences. Your dog should be able to stay with you for short sequences off leash.
Basic Agility 5 weeks- Wednesday 2/12/25 at 9:30 am
Friday 2/14/25 at 9am
Saturday 2/15/25 at 9 am
This is your 1st class in your Agility journey.
Dog Must be at least 9 months old to start
Basic Agility will be teaching you the skills needed to use the agility equipment, build confidence and teamwork. Access to private Agility Facebook page with instructional videos to watch and practice at home prior to classes.
Classes include: Handling, Sending, Targeting, Marking, Impulse Control, Start Line and more. This class will prepare you & your dog for equipment & course work.
5 Weeks for $300
Sign up and pay online or call at (760) 904-0150.
12 Dogs Max per Class.
Proof of Vaccines must be emailed to DreamDogsMarketing@gmail.com prior to class start date. We require Rabies, Bordetella, & Distemper-Parvo.
Reminder this is for Dogs that nave no or little Agility training.
To sign up… go to our website www.DreamDogs.com , create an account and select Agility I & follow steps. (remember to email Vaccines after you sign up) OR Call,Text or Email @ (760) 904-0150 or DreamDogsMarketing@gmail.com
We continue to build teamwork with your dog, and empower you to build on your basic handling and course strategy skills. Your dog should be fluent on all equipment, although it may still need work on weave poles. This is a “pre-competition” level class, regardless of whether or not you intend to compete. Your dog must be able to work sequences completely off leash; it should also have a reliable recall (“come”).
Intermediate Agility- 5 weeks- Wednesday 2/12/25 at 9:30
Friday 2/14/25 at 9 am
Saturday 2/15/25 at 9 am
5 Weeks for $300.00
Sign up and pay online or call at (760) 904-0150.
12 Dogs Max per Class.
Proof of Vaccines must be emailed to DreamDogsMarketing@gmail.com prior to class start date. We require Rabies, Bordetella, & Distemper-Parvo.
Reminder that this is NOT a class for dogs that have never done Agility OR novice handlers/owners. All our equipment is AKC regulation.
Prerequisite is Agility I (previous Foundations Agility Class)
To sign up… go to our website www.DreamDogs.com , create an account and select Agility II & follow steps. (remember to email Vaccines after you sign up) OR Call, Text or Email @ (760) 904-0150 or DreamDogsMarketing@gmail.com
*PREREQUISIT: Agility I & Agility II (previously Foundations, Basic & Intermediate Agility)
This is your continuing class in your Agility journey.
Class includes: Full course run, training drills, videotaping for AKC Title & more.
5 Weeks for $300
Sign up and pay online or call at (760) 904-0150.
12 Dogs Max per Class.
Proof of Vaccines must be emailed to DreamDogsMarketing@gmail.com prior to class start date. We require Rabies, Bordetella, & Distemper-Parvo.
Reminder: Prerequisite is Agility I & Agility II (Previous Foundations & Basic Agility Class)
To sign up… go to our website www.DreamDogs.com , create an account and select Agility III & follow steps. (remember to email Vaccines after you sign up) OR Call, Text or Email @ (760) 904-0150 or DreamDogsMarketing@gmail.com
*PREREQUISIT: Agility I & Agility II (previously Foundations, Basic & Intermediate Agility)
This is your continuing class in your Agility journey.
Class includes: Full course run, training drills, videotaping for AKC Title & more.
5 Weeks for $300
Sign up and pay online or call at (760) 904-0150 and ask for Mindy.
12 Dogs Max per Class.
Proof of Vaccines must be emailed to Mindy DreamDogsMarketing@gmail.com prior to class start date. We require Rabies, Bordetella, & Distemper-Parvo.
Reminder: Prerequisite is Agility I & Agility II (Previous Foundations & Basic Agility Class)
To sign up… go to our website www.DreamDogs.com , create an account and select Agility III & follow steps. (remember to email Vaccines after you sign up) OR Call,Text or Email Mindy @ (760) 904-0150 or DreamDogsMarketing@gmail.com
Call to reserve your spot today!
Call or text
(760) 904-0150
"Lori Carmen & company are great dog whisperers. Loved doing Beginning Agility in the big new outdoor facility & Nose-work with Jamie was so interesting and fun! All dogs can use their extreme sense of smell to locate hidden scents similar to working dogs."
- Diana Bell
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