Dogs are our best friends and part of the family. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, approximately 38% of U.S. households have a dog. Having a well-behaved dog can be beneficial to not just your family, but to other people in your neighborhood. Canine day training is a great way to properly train your dog to be on their best behavior. Here are some basic commands your dog will learn using a canine behavior training program.
This is one of the easiest commands to teach a dog since it's the first one that is introduced to a dog or puppy. When a dog learns this command, it is also learning how to respond to training. The methods a canine behavior training service takes are humane and positive. Most programs use treats to motivate and reward dogs that respond to commands in an appropriate manner.
Another common command that a dog should know is down or lay down. This is a great command for all dogs but even better for large dogs. When your dog learns how to lay down comfortably, it'll be easy to take your dog out to a park or a sidewalk cafe. When your dog is relaxed in public it can be seen as a non-threat to other people and pets, allowing you the freedom to catch up with friends and enjoy time outside.
The command stay pairs well with sit and down. You are most likely able to get a puppy to sit-stay or down-stay for a few minutes with canine day training, but a dog can learn to stay for a bit longer with plenty of practice. Stay comes in handy when you need your dog to stay put while answering the door or you need to do something like sit down to eat dinner.
This command is essential for every dog to master. Your dog can possibly one day escape through the front door or side gate and even slip out of its leash. Teaching a dog the command come can protect them from traffic, neighbors, and encounters with other dogs.
Although dogs can learn commands by the hundreds, it is important that they know the basics in order to exist safely around other people and pets. Taking your dog to canine day training and practicing these commands at home can possibly save them and even you in the case of an emergency. Give Dream Dogs a call today to learn more about our classes and services.
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